American College of Psychiatrists Selects New Board Members, Officers

APA Medical Director James H. Scully Jr., M.D., and former APA President Carol Bernstein, M.D., are among those whom the American College of Psychiatrists has placed in new leadership positions. At its meeting late last month, the college elected three new members to its Board of Regents and appointed four Board of Regents officers. Here is the list of new officers and board members and their positions: Naleen Naupaka Andrade, M.D., president; Barbara Schneidman, M.D., M.P.H., president-elect; Dr. Scully, first vice president; Francisco Fernandez, M.D., second vice president; and Dr. Bernstein and Joel Silverman, M.D., members of the Board of Regents.


Yayınlanma Tarihi:28 Mart 2012

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